Nothing tastes like it. Be it a lamb or a pork chop. Marinated, roasted meat!! Flushed down with a beer. That’s paradise. Want to experience it? Easy. All you need is some fresh lime, fresh ground pepper, ginger-turmeric paste, bit…
The Death of the Pen
It was in preschool that I came across the english alphabet for the first time. We had a cursive writing book with all those dotted letters on which I had to trace the pencil, so very slowly at first, but…
Laptop Battery Indicator
I’ve been having some problems with my laptop battery since quite some time and during the course of investigation, I came across an unknown method to check battery health and status. Mind you, my laptop is that of dell, so…
Amazin’ Kindle
Before I start my brief review of my new proud procurement, I would like to state that off late, I’ve been getting quite lucky while shopping for electronics. To remind you, I had bought a SMART TV way below it’s…
Help Wikipedia
As we all know, the internet has been the biggest source of the IT revolution in past few years. And few giants have been creating difference in our life by serving us with astonishing products from time to time. To…
OMG!! A Shortage to Remember
We have shortage of everything. Food, money, workforce, time. But as per one article that appeared on, the might U.S. had to face a shortage of a very important equipment in life. Toilet papers!! I don’t understand how they…