A fisherman lands a good catch. He goes home and asks his wife to cook it. But his wife cannot cook since there is no gas, no electricity, no water. So the fisher man goes back and releases the fish…
And The Award Goes To………..
………………India. Considered as the underdog in the contest for the nobel prize for the most filthy country contest, India has managed to emerge a clear winner, with all the dirtiest and the filthiest (both politically and literally) countries voting for…
Point of View
A stray dog started chasing a women, and a man killed it thus saving the women. The press reported, “A man rescues a women from a stray dog”. If the man had been American, the title would go “An American saves…
Manhood by Cowardice
Amongst all the world efforts to protect out wild life, and particularly dolphins, a strange ritual is still being followed. And this results in the loss of life of many dolphins each year. This happens in, according to Forbes survey…
A Premature Delivery
Just being the president of the US automatically qualifies a person to be the winner of the nobel prize for peace. Or peace by war, I would say. With no offense meant towards the man, the president of the US,…
A Lone Terrorist
Almost a year since the horrific attack on Mumbai. The city is back on its legs quite some time back. Upholding once again, the spirit of the city. There have been many attacks on Mumbai. And this one’s same but with…