Computing has come a long way since the first IBM PC ever built for a common man. From a few KBs of RAM running the primitive and complex operating systems to the fastest desktop, laptop and even handheld devices, no…
Just “Made Up”
Since there was some time for the train to arrive at our suburban station, three of us were squandering our time on political and social debate. The arguments drifted from one point to another, including, our local politics or the…
Tendulkar’s Twitter Fan Base
The appearance of the real Sachin Tendulkar on the microblogging site twitter, has delighted his fans in India and world alike. People login quite often, to check out the little master’s status and follow him through his life. And the master blaster,…
PacMan on Google
The 30th anniversary of PacMan was commemorated by google, by placing an interactive pacman doodle on its search homepage. The pacman game could be played by clicking on “Insert Coin” button in place of “I’m feeling lucky” that usually appears…
An IPad Competitor
In april 2010, apple launched their mobile computing device, IPad, which satisfies many of the computing needs on the go. The device went on sale soon after worldwide, and has been welcomed by the on-the-go community and technology freaks alike.…
A Gloomy Day for Indian Skies
It was one of the worst days for Indian aviation. The news of the Mangalore plane crash left us all shocked at the office. I wouldn’t like to give hyperlink to the details of this news, cause you might have…