The Maundy Thursday

Maundy thursday, or the holy thursday, is celebrated by the christians all over the world as the anniversary of the beginning of the holy mass.

.As the Holy Bible reveals,  just before his passion and death,Jesus christ has a last supper with his apostles. This event is revisited on the maundy thursday which symbolises the church to be a big family and the holy mass to be the representation of the last supper.

The maundy thursday marks the beginning of the three days with the passion and death of Jesus christ on friday and his ressurection on sunday that follows immediately. Just before Jesus Christ broke his last bread on the earth, he washed the feet of his apostled to symbolise his humbleness. This event is enacted during the mass on this day, all over the world.

The end of the mass is considered as the departure of the Christ to the garden of Gethsemane. Night vigils are held at the churches world over to be with Jesus during his last prayers.

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