Few of my previous posts were dedicated to the Mumbai Suburban Commuter Trains or “Local” as they are referred to in Mumbai. One of them highlights the snobbish “high class passenger” behavior by “the elite” travelling in the first class…
Singham Returns – Full of Vengence and Action
A Lucky break from the un”entertainment” weekend. Inspector Bajirao Singham, from Colva, returns as DCP Bajirao Singham of Mumbai Police. It was all about stopping the gundaraaj in Goa. In mumbai, its not all together a different scenario. Just some…
The Goofed Up case of two “Exclusive” launches
We got our first Television in the 80s and were instantly hooked to it. Soaps, epics, news, films, sports and such proved to be thrilling and entertaining. But of all these, advertisements captured our imagination the most. 20 seconds of…
Learning Photography
This page will display my weak attempts to learning photography. Suggestion are expected. The Burning Core Child’s Play Soaring to the Skies Getting Old Hide and Seek? More to follow!! Waiting for your advice….
Banking Ombudsman to Protect You
Disclaimer : I do not wish to defame any bank in any way as I type this post. I just intend to create awareness amongst the readers about their options. If you own a bank which conducts fair business practices,…
The Fashion Sale is On
It’s that time of the year when everything gets wet and stockists get concerned about their stocks in the godowns getting ruined and the best way they feel to avoid huge loss is by selling. Or in other words by…