Let there be light….
Edison lit the first light bulb and electricity slowly crept in to our lives. It took control of our day to day comforts, and before we knew it, electricity became indispensible part of our live.
……taking us towards darkness
As we keep on adding electrical components in to our house hold, the power we consume keeps on increasing. The commercial world has become power hungry. The mose indispensible gadgets and gizmos need a lot of power to stay alive.
There is no balance in the demand supply scenario of power. This has led to multiple issues. Over consumption of natural resources, is the biggest challange that we face today. The fossil based source of powers are the biggest cause of pollution and global warming. Research to identify and develop a non polluting power source is ongoing. The research focuses on an unending source of power. The target is too far for comfort. Till them, the world has entrusted us with one goal. Reduce power consumption as much as possible.
A solution too far, but we take baby steps
While the industrial communities research and implement the power saving measures, some of these measures trickle down to regular consumers like us. A BLDC fan is one such consumer grade product which helps in reduciong the power consumption drastically.
BLDC fan, or a brushless DC fan, looks just like a regular AC fan. It spins just like a regular AC fan. It cools just like the AC fan spinning on the ceiling above you. However, it consumes about 60% less power. A normal AC fan consumes about 75 – 90 watt power while running at max speed. In contrast, a BLDC fan consumes around 30-35 watt power.Thats abount 30 – 60 watt difference, depending on what you are comparing with.
Business Case
Is there a business case to use these fans.
Lets consider two scenarios. You use one fan in one room for about 8 hours a day. In comparision, you use annother fan for 3 hours a day. Lets calculate.
From the above table you can see the payback for the higher cost BLDC fan differes based on its usage. That a fan which runs on an average 8 hours per day, pays back well within 2 years. The Fan which has lower running hours per day, takes longer time to payback.
Here the assumption is that the electricity cost is 7 rs / unit. Higher the price, earlier is the pay back. Another assumption is that the power saving compared to AC fan is 30 Watts. If you are replacing an existing fan with a BLDC fan, the savings are higher. This is because the older AC fan will be using more power due to wear of components.
Once the higher cost is paid back, the fan is lterally saving money for you!!
Business case aside, no matter how long you are going to use the fan in a day, it is still saving energy. So if you keep the money thought aside, and think about scarce resources, the case is good to save our environment.
One of the early startes on BLDC scene in India has been Atomberg. They have a wide range of products in BLDC portfolio.They are available on various online as well as offline platforms. The company had their initial hiccups in early days, but their customer support has been good. Plus they are said to have evened out all kinks.
Other major brands too have introduced their BLDC portfolio. The links below will take you to the entire portfolio of various manufacturers on Amazon.
Every bit of energy you save, will help extend the available resources for a few days more. All your energy saving actions now, wil lbe beneficial to your future generations. And till that time, hope that mankind finds that elusive non polluting sustainable source of energy. You may not be able to full the bucket, but every drop you put in it counts.
(Disclaimer : Though the article looks to be biased towards BLDC, it is not. I have not been incentivised by any of the manufacturer to publish this article. The links are affiliate links. I will modify this statement, if they decide to incentivise me in future 😉