Maundy thursday, or the holy thursday, is celebrated by the christians all over the world as the anniversary of the beginning of the holy mass. .As the Holy Bible reveals, just before his passion and death,Jesus christ has a last…
Category: Life
Snapshots of this humble life
Alive Again…Finally!!
After more than 5 complains and double as many days of disconnected service, my internet provider has felt pity on me and restored the service. Yes I was offline just because my internet service was down. Due to lack of…
In the Name of Development
what is development. is it just the concrete jungle that we are surrounded by? has it made our lives any easier?
I am Confused……
……as to which side should I take. There is a non violent side, which I feel will not be heeded in our cause. Then there is violent side, which I strictly oppose, but I feel that this side has some…
A Billion Dollar Ice
The first moon mission from India blasted off with billions of hope on its back, and completed its job as defined. The results of the project were out some days back, and our very own chandrayaan it did not disappoint…
Pen in Hand(Read ‘Pain in Hand’)
Yes, I am into my exams. Yet I find time enough to post a quick one. Thats not because I am well prepared. Thats because of the lack of any zeal towards exams. I had explained previously the circumstances under…
Supporting Statements
With all respect to shahrukh khan and the team of My name is khan, I would like to declare that I am not against anything said by Mr. Khan in recent past. Neither is my intension to agree or disagree…
A Struggle To Survive
I accidently deleted all the files on my web hosting account today. And my blog went poof!! My heart skipped a beat when I realised my mistake. There was no recovery of my error. I was about to give up…
A Different Life
A friend of mine came home to invite me for a function at his house. And I was bit pleased. This was the indication of a new life that I am living. And how is that? As some of you…
This Soap Runs Long!!
I just had my bath, but that didn’t inspire me in posting this. Its was the TV. Television has come to this world long back, and its had become somewhat an integral part of our life. I remember those days…