Author: I Said It

An Incapable Teacher…..

……..this is not my view. It the view of our worthless bureaucrats, while we continue to tolerate uneducated ministers, who draw huge salaries during their nonuseful tenure, even if they are not qualified enough for any job. As can be read in the…

A Case of Mistaken Identity

Just see the video of a cop struggling for life helplessly, on the roads of  TamilNadu, even as ministers watched the event with inaction. Police suspect it to be a case of mistaken identity. It can be seen that the cop…

An Educated Decision?

No. Not a good decision by any child to commit suicide due to academic pressure. But is the child mature enough to take any big decisions, leave alone that of suicide? What drives a child to this? It certainly is not the…

Wars of the World

Few days back, I happened to be browsing through TV channels, and came across BBC airing ‘Hard Talk’. The guest in studio that day was Fergus Anckorn. The interview was largely about his remarkable survival as a prisoner of war,…

5 Points to Someone

The film is out. And all the buildup done by the producers and the actors, pre-release, was not just a hype. I saw it. And I was bowled over. Everything seems real. And as my friend said, everyone who has ever…

Wishes for this New Year

2010…its here!! With a promise of beginning our lives, afresh. For many, its just another first day of the year. But for some, its and excuse to rejoice, occasion for party and day for new resolutions. People have celebrated all…

Avatar..The Review

I do not consider myself to be an expert reviewer. But this is the first time I have seen a movie in 3D, hence this enthusiasm. Avatar is a well done movie. Forget the storyline. Its always the same every…

Incredible India!!

So I completed my tour to Aurangabad. And am back with some good memories, and few bad ones too. To say about Aurangabad, it seems just like any other cities of India, hastily developed, neglected. But its proximity to many…

Hyderabad Blues

So I decided not to go to Hyderabad. What a waste of my leave!! And because of whom? The supporters of  destruction. It seems that people all over the country have no work to do, other than carry out the…


Am off to hyderabad today, without my laptop, so no posts for a week. Will return with more on 31st Dec. See you then…