Hyderabad Blues

So I decided not to go to Hyderabad. What a waste of my leave!! And because of whom? The supporters of  destruction.

It seems that people all over the country have no work to do, other than carry out the schemes of their leaders. In the name of a separate state a large amount of  property destruction owned by general public and the state is carried out. “Leader” threaten the country with fast until death if their demands are not met. This can be likened to holding the entire country for ramson.

There are lots of issues like hunger, population, shelter, internal and external security. But none of them is concerned about that. All they want is a separate state, so that they can have control over their own people. And also over lots of public funds.

I finally had to decide that Hyderabad is not a good tourist spot at this moment, and have to stay away. So now I have made a hasty plan for Aurangabad. Will be leaving today and be back on 31st Dec.

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